Resource Database

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There are 488 resources. Displaying 10 resources per page.
A new blog post from American Youth Policy Forum examines the role of addressing adolescents’ social and emotional needs and helping them build agency in closing the COVID-19 learning gap. The blog post explains how fostering a sense of belonging and well-being among students and allowing them to make decisions about their educational path can enable them to take ownership of their education. The blog post also provides examples of how schools have implemented these practices.
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A new report from Afterschool Alliance explores STEM offerings in expanded learning programs. The report finds that STEM programming in expanded learning has increased and that parents increasingly see afterschool as important for STEM learning; however, the report also finds that there is not equitable access to STEM programming and barriers remain.
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Diverse Learners
Students are more likely to pursue a subject or career if they see themselves represented in that field. The IF/THEN Collection is working to increase representation by providing a free digital library of authentic and relatable images of real women in STEM. The library includes photos, videos, and other assets depicting women in STEM fields. Users can browse the library by discipline and media type.
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Diverse Learners
PBS LearningMedia has collaborated with educators to curate learning resources that showcase ideas, achievements, and contributions by American people of all backgrounds across different eras. Collections include The American Canon Reimagined, Protests and Riots in American History, 1920s Literature and Culture, STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics), and Business and Entrepreneurship. There are also links to lesson plans, worksheets, and professional development opportunities
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Diverse Learners
Learning for Justice, an organization that aims to be a catalyst for racial justice, provides free resources to educators who work with students in kindergarten through twelfth grade. Educators can use the materials to supplement curriculum, inform practices, and create inclusive school communities where all youth are respected, valued, and welcome. Resources include lesson plans, student texts, teaching strategies, and film kits. There are also professional development resources for educators.
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Diverse Learners
English language learners (ELLs) bring unique experiences, skills, and needs to their learning environment. This article from Edutopia outlines strategies educators can use to create an equity-driven setting where all students can thrive. Strategies include being familiar with any accommodation plans students might have for school-day learning, accessing students’ prior knowledge, and being prepared to adapt instruction.
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Diverse Learners
The U.S. Department of Education’s You for Youth (Y4Y) technical assistance team has created a four-part webinar series for new 21st CCLC leaders. Topics in the webinar series include an overview of the 21st CCLC program, intentionally designing activities, program management, and hiring and onboarding staff.
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Program Management
Volunteers can strengthen a 21st CCLC by expanding a program’s offerings, increasing adult-to-student ratios, increasing student access to experts, and more. This two-part webinar series from the U.S. Department of Education’s You for Youth (Y4Y) team shows 21st CCLC professionals how to engage, train, manage, and retain fantastic volunteers in every type of geographic location. Throughout the series, participants hear from experts and program leaders on strategies for maximizing the power of volunteers.
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Program Management
Demand for afterschool programs has remained strong during COVID-19, with parents seeing programs as providing critical supports. The fourth edition of America After 3PM, an Afterschool Alliance report on parent satisfaction with afterschool programs in 2020, finds that demand for afterschool programs remains high while cost and access barriers to participation and inequities persist. In addition to the report and executive summary, Afterschool Alliance has provided resources like infographics and fact sheets to help afterschool programs share information about the demand, need, and support for afterschool programs.
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Y4Y has a two-part webinar series that explains how afterschool leaders can connect the dots and translate data into a powerful narrative. Topics include planning a program year with the end in mind, interpreting data to make decisions, and crafting a story about your data. That story will help you recruit partners, identify program champions, and market your program to the community.
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There are 488 resources. Displaying 10 items per page.
- Academic Enrichment
- Afterschool Enrichment
- Classroom Management
- College and Career Readiness
- Diverse Learners
- Family and Community Engagement
- Program Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Sustainability
- Technology
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