Resource Database

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There are 488 resources. Displaying 10 resources per page.
This article from Edutopia describes a program in which school transportation personnel received training on how to form positive relationships with students during their rides to and from school. The staff also learned how to teach students ways to cope with stressful situations at home or during the school day. The article provides strategies and takeaways that other educators and afterschool professionals can share with transportation staff.
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This special issue of the journal The Future of Children examines the development of social and emotional learning in school and afterschool settings. The publication finds that these skills are essential for children and that teachers and out-of-school time staff need professional development to help children acquire them.
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This American Youth Policy Forum article explores how out-of-school time programs can be positioned as a mechanism for disrupting the school-to-prison pipeline. Examples include the safe, supportive environment that afterschool programs provide; social and emotional learning; culturally relevant teaching; diverse learning experiences; and wraparound services.
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Diverse Learners
The afterschool setting provides an environment where afterschool practitioners can engage students in challenging conversations about topics that affect them and their communities. This archived webinar from the Afterschool Alliance provides the perspectives of experts and practitioners, strategies for having challenging but important conversations with youth, and tools that practitioners can use to facilitate discussions in their own afterschool programs.
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Diverse Learners
Nearly all afterschool programs face the challenge of reaching new and existing stakeholders with clear and engaging messaging about their program. This blog post from the U.S. Department of Education’s Y4Y website offers strategies afterschool practitioners can use to refresh their messaging and reach target audiences. Links to tools and resources are also included.
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Program Management
The Voices for Illinois Children’s Illinois Kids Count reports examine the quality of life of children and families in Illinois. With a focus on education, the 2017 report includes indicators of education from birth through postsecondary and also provides an overview of how different counties fare. This is a helpful report if you want to illustrate the need for 21st CCLC programs in your community.
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Program Management
This report from the Wallace Foundation examines how three districts implemented lasting summer programs. Strategies included building awareness of programs and aligning them with district goals; including key stakeholders in planning; and using staff expertise and district systems to support the program.
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Program Management
The National Summer Learning Association has developed a set of tools to help summer learning program leaders conduct a quick comprehensive assessment of their programs. The tools include resources for a self-assessment, observation assessment, and a quality improvement plan template.
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Program Management
Join us for a webinar specifically designed for new project directors and site managers seeking more guidance in managing and operating a 21st CCLC program. Topics include the roles of Illinois Quality Afterschool partners, an overview of reporting requirements, a look at the Illinois Quality Afterschool website and resources, and an introduction to the six tracks to sustainability: program management, collecting and using data, programming, integrating K-12 and afterschool, communication, and collaboration.
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Program Management
In a fast-paced culture, where families are busy and sometimes overwhelmed with job and school responsibilities, family engagement is still important. National AfterSchool Association’s professional development series, Talk Tuesday, offers new materials to guide an afterschool staff training session on family engagement. This resource focuses on five quick techniques that help afterschool practitioners build strong relationships with families.
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There are 488 resources. Displaying 10 items per page.
- Academic Enrichment
- Afterschool Enrichment
- Classroom Management
- College and Career Readiness
- Diverse Learners
- Family and Community Engagement
- Program Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Sustainability
- Technology
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