Resource Database

Photo of students outdoors reviewing a map together
The Illinois Quality Afterschool team has created this resource database to help you and your staff provide high-quality 21st CCLC programming. Browse or search the database to find the latest information on afterschool research, best practices, tools, conference proceedings, policy briefs, professional development tools, and activities.

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There are 488 resources. Displaying 10 resources per page.

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Protecting Youth Mental Health

The U.S. Surgeon General’s office has published an advisory report that compares children’s mental health before and during the COVID-19 pandemic and explains the risk factors that are partly responsible for youth mental health symptoms. The report also provides ways that families, youth, and mental health advocates can support youth who are experiencing mental health challenges.

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Social-Emotional Learning
Trust Your Gut

Research shows that intuition can play an important role in decision making. Y4Y has released a blog post that includes tips and resources on how to build a student’s confidence and self-awareness so that they can develop and trust their instincts.

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Social-Emotional Learning
Navigating SEL from the Inside Out: Implications for Out of School Time Programs

As communities continue to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, educators are seeing an increase in the number of students experiencing anxiety, depression, fear, trauma, food insecurity, or homelessness. A recent webinar hosted by the Afterschool Alliance, Forum for Youth Investment, and Every Hour Counts, focused on SEL, its purpose, and how afterschool programs are using SEL to address consequences of the pandemic

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Social-Emotional Learning
How to Sell SEL: Parents and the Politics of Social and Emotional Learning

Although educators and staff members are welcoming social and emotional learning (SEL) in their education spaces, it is unclear how parents feel about this topic. The Thomas B. Fordham Institute has published a report explaining differing ways that parents of K–12 children view SEL and its implementation in schools. One recommendation from the Fordham Institute is for educators to use plain language and refer to SEL with more commonsense terms, such as “life skills.”

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Social-Emotional Learning
Striving for Equity for Young Children of Immigrants with Disabilities

Educators and staff must be mindful of the challenges that immigrant families face, especially when they include children with disabilities. The Global Family Research Project has released an article providing information on the needs of immigrant children with disabilities and recommendations for elementary schools so they can better serve these students.

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Diverse Learners
Missing Narratives: Uncovering Untold Histories

Children should be introduced to multiple narratives and perspectives when they study history. Missing Narratives: Uncovering Untold Histories, a recent blog post from PBSEducation, encourages educators to learn the history of and construct lesson plans that include Native and Indigenous peoples. The blog post also includes links to PBS resources that educators can use to implement these practices.

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Diverse Learners
Creating Safe Schools for LGBTQ+ Youth

All students should feel safe and respected on their school campuses. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has created a brief that is dedicated to helping educators better support LGBTQ+ youth on their campuses.

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Diverse Learners
Afterschool in Rural America

As part of its America After 3 pm report on afterschool programs in the United States, the Afterschool Alliance has conducted research on the need for afterschool and summer learning programs in rural areas. The report finds that rural areas have experienced a sharp rise in unmet demand for these programs, as well as increasing barriers to participation. Dissemination and advocacy materials include the report, a dashboard, and fact sheets.

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Program Management
Accessing Rescue Plan Funds from Local School Districts

The American Rescue Act has provided substantial funding that can be used for afterschool and summer enrichment. The Afterschool Alliance has created a resource providing guidance on how afterschool programs can access funds from local school districts.

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Program Management
Staff Recruitment Toolkit

The Afterschool Alliance has developed a staff recruitment toolkit aimed at helping afterschool program leaders recruit qualified staff. The toolkit includes tips and resources related to marketing, funding ideas to manage staff pay, and messaging.

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Program Management

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Unexpected Careers in STEM

Did you know there are STEM jobs other than scientist, mathematician, and engineer? The National Air and Space Museum’s webcast STEM in 30 has released an episode titled "Unexpected Careers in STEM." This episode discusses how career interests such as writing or cooking can lead to a career in the aerospace industry....
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National Women’s History Museum Digital Classroom Resources

Are you looking to incorporate more diverse historical narratives into your curriculum? The National Women’s History Museum has curated several lesson plans, biographies, posters, and primary sources focused on female historical figures. Educators can use these resources to teach their students about renowned women such as Shirley Chisolm and events such as the 1977 National Women’s Conference....
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