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Topic: Family and Community Engagement

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Out-of-School Time Policy Commentary #17: The Common Core Standards: What Do They Mean for Out-of-School Time?

This brief from The Forum for Youth Investment helps out-of-school time providers develop a better understanding of Common Core State Standards and their implementation in out-of-school time programs. It includes examples of how some programs are responding to the standards and gives recommendations on how programs might approach aligning activities with the standards. It also provides an overview of challenges and opportunities for the out-of-school time field and suggestions for implementing the standards.

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Family and Community Engagement
Innovations in Expanded Learning Opportunities: The Community Schools Approach

The Coalition for Community Schools has published a 9-week blog series on how community school initiatives are supporting and strengthening innovations in expanded learning opportunities. Each post addresses how districts and their community partners are finding effective ways to implement different expanded learning opportunities. Topics include summer learning, using data to make decisions about community partnerships, and innovative STEM learning opportunities with higher education institutions.

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Family and Community Engagement

Topic: Family and Community Engagement

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Unexpected Careers in STEM

Did you know there are STEM jobs other than scientist, mathematician, and engineer? The National Air and Space Museum’s webcast STEM in 30 has released an episode titled "Unexpected Careers in STEM." This episode discusses how career interests such as writing or cooking can lead to a career in the aerospace industry....
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National Women’s History Museum Digital Classroom Resources

Are you looking to incorporate more diverse historical narratives into your curriculum? The National Women’s History Museum has curated several lesson plans, biographies, posters, and primary sources focused on female historical figures. Educators can use these resources to teach their students about renowned women such as Shirley Chisolm and events such as the 1977 National Women’s Conference....
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