2014 Illinois 21st CCLC
Spring Conference
Engage · Connect · Succeed
The 2014 Illinois 21st CCLC Spring Conference is hosted by the Illinois State Board of Education and SEDL's Illinois Quality Afterschool team. The conference is open exclusively to Illinois 21st CCLC grantees and will provide a forum where they and their partners can learn about the use of high-quality practices and the successes of afterschool programs in supporting student learning and achieving other program goals.
When: May 1, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Where: Prairie Capital Convention Center, Springfield, IL
Keynote Speaker: Hedy Chang, Director, Attendance Works
Registration Deadline: April 10
Ready to make the most of our spring conference? Our conference agenda is now online!
Keynote Speaker
Hedy Nai-lin Chang directs Attendance Works, a national and state level initiative aimed at advancing student success by addressing chronic absence. She is co-author of the seminal report, Present Engaged, and Accounted For: The Critical Importance of Addressing Chronic Absence in the Early Grades. Deeply committed to promoting two-generation solutions to achieving a more just and equitable society, Chang has spent more than two decades working in the fields of family support, family economic success, education and child development. In February 2013, Chang was named by the White House as a Champion of Change for her commitment to furthering African American education. Chang is also the mother of two school-aged sons who attend public school in San Francisco.
April 30, 6–7:30 p.m.
Conference attendees and presenters are invited to a preconference networking session on April 30, 6–7:30 p.m. Sign up to bring program information and handouts to share with other 21st CCLCs. If you would like to have a tabletop display to share information about your program, contact Marion Baldwin. Learn more.
Free for 21st CCLC grantees
We encourage you to register early and bring a team of up to five people from your afterschool program including project directors, site coordinators, front line staff, teachers, volunteers, and program partners. Please note that this conference is only open to Illinois 21st CCLC grantees. If you are a grantee and would like to register for the conference, contact Marion Baldwin at iqasupport@air.org or 800-476-6861.
For lodging information, the visit http://www.visit-springfieldillinois.com/Where-to-Stay/.