Illinois 5Essentials Survey Available for Family Completion

Jane D. Hull, former Arizona governor, stated, “At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.” One component of 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) is community and family engagement.

As a 21st CCLC program provider, you have the opportunity to assist your partner school districts with encouraging families to complete the 5Essentials survey. The survey is available now through January 18, 2019, at When families complete the 5Essentials survey, schools can use the information to make data-driven decisions regarding instruction and resources, and can more easily identify areas of strength.  

You can inform families in your program that the 5Essentials survey can be completed using any internet capable device. Surveys are available in English and Spanish and take approximately 10 minutes to complete. All survey results are presented as a schoolwide aggregate, so identifying or individual data is not received by the school.