Illinois Quality Afterschool Quarterly - Spring 2015

In This Issue

Summer 2015

Two Boys
Photo from Fox Valley Park District 21st CCLC.

Afterschool Focus: Common Core State Standards >
Program Profile: East Richland CSD #1 >
News from the Field: The Lights On for Learning DJ Club >
Recommended Resources >
Information for Grantees >
Join Us Online >



Afterschool Focus: Common Core State Standards

Illinois adopted the Common Core State Standards in 2010, with schools fully implementing the standards in the 2013–14 school year. Many of us working with 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLCs) are still trying to find strategic ways to align afterschool programming with the Common Core while maintaining the unique, engaging environment that both staff and students enjoy. The good news is that many of your afterschool activities are likely already aligned with the Common Core.
Read more about Common Core State Standards in afterschool. >

Program Profile: East Richland CSD #1

Visit any of the three sites of East Richland Community School District #1 21st CCLC, and you’ll see students engaged in a range of activities. Students can choose from performing in musicals, taking cooking classes, or learning to fish. These myriad offerings not only offer students a variety of choices, they are also aligned with the Common Core State Standards and help students develop skills that will prepare them for life after high school.
Learn more about East Richland CSD #1. >

News from the Field: The Lights On for Learning DJ Club

The DJ (disc jockey) Club is part of the Lights On for Learning 21st CCLC at John Deere Middle School. In the spring 2015 semester, students DJed four dances, and the funds raised from these activities have helped the program become self-sustaining after just one semester.
Learn more about Lights On for Learning DJ Club. >

Recommended Resources

Partnering with Libraries

Libraries can play an important role in afterschool programs and in the entire community. This tip sheet from the National AfterSchool Association has several strategies out-of-school time programs can use to develop effective partnerships with libraries. Tips include providing professional development for staff at both organizations and cross-marketing strategies.
Read the article. >

Resources on Financing and Sustaining Afterschool Programs

Originally created by the Finance Project, this handout contains information about several resources that afterschool programs can use for financing and sustainability. Resources include tools for budget preparation, cutting costs, and developing partnerships.
Download the handout. >

Information for Grantees

Important Dates and Events

The Illinois Quality Afterschool team is planning a great year of activities and resources for the 2015–16 school year. Check our online calendar this fall to learn what we have planned.

Grants and Other Opportunities

The Awesome Foundation. The Awesome Foundation is a global community advancing the interest of awesome in the universe, $1,000 at a time.  Each fully autonomous chapter supports awesome projects through micro-grants, usually given out monthly. These micro-grants, $1,000 or the local equivalent, come out of pockets of the chapter's “trustees” and are given on a no-strings-attached basis to people and groups working on awesome projects. Got an awesome idea? Apply for a grant!  To reach a specific chapter, use the email link at the top of the chapter's page, under the Chapters section of this site. Learn more on the Awesome Foundation’s website.

MacCarthey Dressman Education Foundation. The McCarthey Dressman Education Foundation offers Academic Enrichment Grants designed to develop in-class and extra-curricular programs that improve student learning. The Academic Enrichment Grants provide funding for programs that nurture the intellectual, artistic and creative abilities of children from low-income households. Grants are awarded to individuals in amounts up to $10,000 per year for a maximum of $30,000 over 3 years, provided the eligibility requirements continue to be met. Learn more on the MacCarthey Dressman Education Foundation website.

Join Us Online

Do you have a question for your afterschool colleagues? Would you like to know what’s going on in other Illinois 21st CCLC programs? Join the Illinois Quality Afterschool Facebook Group.

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Copyright ©2015 by SEDL, an affiliate of American Institutes for Research (AIR). This publication was developed by SEDL/AIR and was funded by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). The content does not necessarily reflect the views of the ISBE or any other source. SEDL/AIR developed this publication in 2015 with funding from the U.S. Government. This publication is in the public domain. Authorization to reproduce and disseminate it in whole or in part is granted as long as appropriate acknowledgment is given.

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