Program Profile
Youth & Opportunity United 21st CCLC Finds Literacy in Everyday Life
Youth & Opportunity United (Y.O.U.) focuses on the whole-child approach to youth development and ensures that school stakeholders and caregivers are an active part of the 21st CCLC’s programming. In the area of literacy enrichment, Y.O.U. aims to offer literacy activities that help students build a reading life and see how literacy is a part of their everyday lives and interests.
News from the Field
Project Success 21st CCLC Builds a Strong Foundation with Program Management
Whether you are starting a new 21st CCLC program or continuing an existing grant, fall means planning for a new year of afterschool programming. Project Success of Vermilion County 21st CCLC will do both: launch six new sites with a new grant that ISBE awarded in summer of 2018 and continue afterschool programming at five established sites.
Lights On Afterschool
Lights On Afterschool is a nationwide event that celebrates afterschool programs and their impact on children and communities. This year’s event will be held on October 25, and registration is now open. Visit the Afterschool Alliance Lights On Afterschool website to register your site and get event-planning resources.
Literacy in Afterschool
This practice guide from the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy provides evidence-based information to help afterschool practitioners understand how students develop literacy skills. It also includes guidance for afterschool practitioners and a review of literacy curricula that afterschool programs might consider.
ReadWriteThink provides information and free resources on reading and language arts instruction for a range of stakeholders, including afterschool providers. Resources include activities and projects, games and tools, tips and how tos, printouts, and podcasts.
Important Dates and Events
Grants and Other Opportunities
Gateways to Opportunity, the Illinois Professional Development System, has professional development funds available through The Gateway Scholarship Program. These funds are available for eligible professionals working in early care and education or school-age programs who want to earn college credit, credentials, or degrees. Visit the Gateway webpage for additional details.
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