Workshops and Conferences Archive

December 8, 2020 | December 9, 2020
2020 IL Virtual Fall Conference

The conference is designed to engage Illinois 21st CCLC grantees, their program partners, program evaluators, and other afterschool professionals in conversations about best practices and strategies that support student learning and the implementation of high-quality afterschool programs.

The conference was organized in three major strands comprising topics integral to our work of developing high-quality afterschool programs.

  • Academics Afterschool
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Afterschool Enrichment

Workshop Objectives:

  • To draw on the knowledge and experience of Illinois 21st CCLCs
  • To share evidence-based practices and emerging promising practices that support 21st CCLCs in achieving their program goals and meeting state program requirements
  • To create opportunities for networking and to increase communication across 21st CCLC programs

