Illinois Quality Afterschool News from the Field Submission Guidelines

Submission guidelines
Length: 200-500 words

Story focus: We’re interested in stories that focus on a specific event, program offering, or practice. News from the Field is a way for 21st CCLC practitioners to learn from one another. As you write your story, please tell us:

  • About a specific event or program offering (for example, your STEM program, an improvisational acting group, a Lights On Afterschool event)
  • Who participated
  • Challenges your team faced and overcame
  • Impact of the event or program (Was there improved student performance, behavior, or attendance? Positive feedback from family and community members? New funding?
  • What best practices your team used to ensure success
  • What you would like other afterschool programs to learn from your experience

Possible topics: core academic subjects, enrichment activities (arts), socio-emotional development, connecting to school day, family and community engagement, program improvement and evaluation, working with diverse learners, and staff development

Photos: Please provide copies of photo releases for anyone (students and adults) shown in images. All images should be at least 300 dpi and saved in one of these file formats: jpeg, eps, gif, png, tiff, or pdf.

Please email stories to Laura Shankland at

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Would you like to give a shout out to your afterschool team for hard work or a great event? Do you have some fun pictures you’d like to share? Join the Illinois Quality Afterschool Facebook group and share your stories there.

Illinois Quality Afterschool Quarterly

Would your 21st CCLC like to submit an article for News from the Field? We’d love to include stories about your program’s best practices and successes in our newsletter.